BigBrotherOrg Wiki
BigBrotherOrg Wiki

The Time Machine is a blue phone booth introduced as a twist during Big Brother 2 that requires a houseguest to enter it and said houseguest is "sent to the future".

The houseguest who enters the Time Machine is unable to participate in the game. This means that he or she is not allowed to interact with other houseguests, prohibited in playing in any competition, and not permitted to be part of nominations and evictions. The houseguest will eventually return in a predetermined or undetermined moment in the season and would play as normal.


Big Brother 2[]

In Week 1, the Time Machine appeared in the backyard of the virtual Big Brother house. The houseguests are instructed to vote for someone to enter blue phone booth within 24 hours. They were not given any information as to what will happen to the chosen person.

Tommy volunteered which resulted in the other houseguests voting for him to enter the Time Machine. He was then temporarily removed from the game.

In Week 4, Dani pressed the button on the Control Panel that sent the Time Machine back to the house. Tommy then re-entered the game.


  • The Time Machine resembles the TARDIS from the British television show, Dr. Who.
  • Tommy is the first and so far only houseguest to enter the Time Machine.